Thursday 12 July 2012


Meet my collie Tilly. She is an old lady now, but refuses to believe it and still enjoys her walks, the longer the better, come rain, shine, snow, hail or anything else nature can throw at us.

When demonstrating at Hestercombe Gardens I decided to use her as my model. (using a photo of course as she would never sit still long enough).

I used Derwent water-soluble pencils on Derwent's new watercolour paper and I can say that I really do like it. It is sturdy and nice and smooth with very little tooth but takes pencil beautifully. It also takes erasing and indenting well and will take fair bit of  bashing about. It will definitely become part of my stable of supports.
Size: A4


  1. Tilly is gorgeous Bev. I've never been able to draw Roxy (my horse) - or do a decent self portrait come to that :-)

    Did you used the wc pencils wet or dry?

    I like the sound of the new Derwent wc paper - will try some next time I order supplies.

  2. Tilly is beautifully drawn Bev. I think it's nice to see how you draw white hair. I have really no experience, so enjoy being with another to see how they do it.

  3. Thank you Maria.

    Sue, I used the pencils wet as an underwash and then dry on top, and then wetting a few places where I wanted to enhance bits of fur etc at the end.

    Thank you Renske...white fur is always a challenge :-)

  4. A wonderful portrait - love that fur :)

  5. Wow, long have you had Tilly? I remember when you had her as a pup! Didn't realise she was an old lady now, bless her. BTW, beautiful drawing. I'm trying to get back into my cp's again but it's not easy. xxx

  6. Thanks Lene.

    Gail, I have had Tilly for 8 years now, she was 4 when I got her as a rescue from the RSPCA, so I didn't know her when she was a pup. She is quite fit but does occasionally limp on one of her forelegs, so I guess a bit of arthritis is setting in. She does insist on laying on the wet the rain. Glad to see you are trying cp again. Love the cats :-)


Pencil on toned paper

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